Thursday, May 31, 2012

Guaranteed Renewal

There's a story (told by a UDTS grad) about Satan visiting a church and offering an ironclad guarantee that none of the youth would ever drink too much beer, drive too fast with or without seat belts, or get in trouble at school; a firm promise that no teen would ever get pregnant, that no child would ever bully another child, and that all the youth would attend church every Sunday. All the church had to do was to agree to allow Satan to make pancakes at the annual youth pancake fund-raiser. Just allow him to make the pancakes and everything would be forever OK. Guaranteed. Most of the parents and even some of the smarter young people were ready to agree. But one wild-eyed young boy got up and shouted, "No, we will not allow you to be a part of ANYTHING in our church. Get the &%$# out of here." The congregation was shocked at the young man's language. But Satan left... And hid.... And waits.... For a more opportune time.

Call me skeptical--no, call me wise: I am immediately suspicious of a website that advertises, "Check out this unique resource. Guaranteed to renew your church! Click here for more." Guaranteed renewal? From my experience, only Satan can promise that.

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